Thursday, October 29, 2009

Complaint With Slideshare

While I agree that slideshare has its advantages I am upset with what it did with my powerpoint presentation. I spent a great deal of time learning how to animate my words and pictures and now all of my animations were lost using slideshare. My powerpoint looks horrible. I picked my font, size and placement of my words and pictures were so they would work and look good with the animations. Without the animations my powerpoint doesn't work.

I believe I have the power to

Sunday, October 25, 2009

This I believe

I believe in the importance of family. Robert 's essay used the example of his father leaving work to come change her flat tire. The gesture seems simple and almost no big deal and reminded me off all the little things that my family does for me that I take for granted. The father rushes to help his son putting his sons needs a head of his own. This is a perfect example of what family is. Putting others needs in front of your own. Without family a child has no one to teach them the difference between right and wrong. They have no role models to model their behavior after and no one to look after them. A child needs a support system and to know they will be supported and looked after. Without a strong family unit its easy for a child to get lost, drop out of school or get into trouble.
My family is my biggest support system, my rock and a source of unconditional love. Growing up my parents were my role models and they taught me the difference between right and wrong. I made plenty of mistakes growing up. The morals and lessons my family taught me were always on the back of my mind and kept me from ever wondering to far off course.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Go here to take my survey

Utter Frustration

Last week I was very excited to finally be placed in a school and I should have had two observations completed by now. Unfortunately things did not proceed as planned. My advising principal emailed me reminding me to email him my TB test results and background check or to bring them with me. National Louis requires that we have this completed for practicum two and I'm just beginning practicum one. After talking with several classmates (none of their schools required these documents) I learned that each individual school has its own requirements. I can understand the need for the schools strict requirements but I am am frustrated that I was not made aware of them right away so I could have been working on getting placement elsewhere. The teacher I was to observe emailed me and said she was sorry and that her school even requires there parent volunteers to have both documents. She said that she can see both sides but its frustrating because they have an extremely difficult time getting parents to volunteer and most of the teachers blame all the additional requirements. Enough complaining, tomorrow I will start emailing assistant principals and hopefully next week I will be telling you about my first observation.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Teaching Placement

I am starting to get the hang of customizing my blog but I am still having a hard time getting the words down on the page. Anyone who knows me will this is unusual for me because I am almost never short on words.
I just got placed in a school today on the north side of Chicago. I will be observing for forty hours and be preparing to teach my first lesson to a third grade classroom. My first day observing in the classroom will be this Thursday. I am excited to be sitting in a classroom other then my usual ones at National Louis. It should be a refreshing change of scenery and I will be able to get some much needed hands on experience.